Friday, May 9, 2008

Commentary on Roe vs. Wade

I am definitely in agreement with the post by my classmate titled Roe vs Wade Must End. I too agree that abortion should be illegal except in certain extreme situations. These extreme situations can be due to rape, incest or a potential health risk to the mother. So I am 100% in agreement with this post. Being a mother myself I do not understand how someone can do this just because they were irresponsible. I believe if someone feels mature enough and old enough to have sex then they need to be able to deal with the consequences. At least just be responsible if you don't want a kid. There are many times of birth control methods out. Plenty of people in this world want a baby and can't have one, so it is really sad knowing some precious life is taken away when it could be with someone that would love them. Abortion is not a type of birth control. Something needs to be done to stop this from happening.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rebate checks to go out sooner

Bush now says that the rebates will be out sooner than expected. They are said to start going out on Monday. He believes this will help Americans deal with gas and food prices and to help the economy. My question is is this rebate really going to solve these problems?

The stimulus will be reaching millions of Americans starting on Monday. The first rebates go out to the people with direct deposit. Direct deposit rebates will begin on April 29th. Paper checks will begin to be mailed on May 9th. These dates are a week sooner than was previously announced.

The rebates are $600 for individuals and $1200 for couples with an additional $300 per dependent child. In order to be eligible for a rebate you must have filed a 2007 income tax return. All checks should be out by July 11 for all whole filed a return on time.

There are many things that the economy is suffering from lately and this is Bush's attempt to gradually fix it. Gas prices need to fixed and not just try to be solved by sending out a check to Americans. In my opinion the economic problems need a lot more work to be solved as well. Maybe he needs to really look into these things and not just send out a rebate in hopes to fix it all. One reason I don't think the stimulus will help solve this problem is I believe many will go out on shopping spree with their money. So if this is the case what kind of problems is this going to solve.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dictatorship or Democracy?

Commentary on, "Terrorism is killing The Constitution, and his name is George Bush."

I definetly agree with this post. I do understand the precautions taken at the airport but seriously there should be some limit to it. Or as others have stated how do they decide who looks more suspicious, by discrimanation of course. I believe some of the actions taken by some airport security are not necessary. There is no need to cause people with such humiliation. I do believe President Bush is to blame for the majority of the problems are nation is facing. I mean seriously he is our nation's president and what has he done to help us. I enjoyed reading this blog. Good work Mary, thanks for the great information. I'll be sure to inform others.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yes We Can!

I firmly believe Barack Obama is the best candidate for our next president. He has all the qualities one must have to take on this position. Not only does he have the characteristics needed but his outlook on policy is that of a great president. Obama is loyal and honest man. I know he will stay true to his word and fulfill his duty to the best he can. He has worked hard to get to where he is at now. Unlike many other presidential candidates, he was not born into a family with money. Everything that he and his family have is because he has worked for it. Other characteristics that a president should have are trustworthiness, respect for others, care and overall just be a genuine American. I believe Obama inhabits all of these characteristics.

Throughout this election one of the biggest concerns for voters has been the Iraq War. Barack Obama has said that the first thing he will do once elected president is to make arrangements to bring the troops home. This is very important to many citizens. Many believe that we do not need to even be in Iraq in the first place, therefore, bringing the troops home needs to be done right away. The second thing that Obama wants to do once elected president is to provide healthcare for every American. He wants to give Americans healthcare they can afford. For the people with healthcare already he wants to lower their premiums so they are affordable. Obama believes that Americans should have the same insurance that he has as a senator.

Barack Obama wants America to become one. There should not be any time of racism. He wants Americans to join together regardless of their race, gender, age, religion, political affiliation, etc. This is a change we can believe in. He is the type of president America has been looking for.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sharp Drop in Jobs

Consumers, investors and Washington officials received news of what some might consider their worst fears. As reported by the Labor Department an estimated 63,000 jobs were lost in February. This loss of jobs was the second consecutive monthly decline. Not only that but it was the third straight drop for private-sector jobs. The Federal Reserve was trying to fix the problem even before the bad news had emerged. The Federal Reserve said they would inject about $200 billion into the nation's banking system this month. More is said to follow afterwards. Some people may not believe there may be very much help left for the nation. Wall Street threw in the towel and said the United States was already in recession. Many companies are suffering because of the loss of jobs. More importantly the citizens of this nation are suffering. Because of the loss of jobs they are not making an income. Therefore they will not be able to support themselves and their families.

I believe the article "Sharp Drop in Jobs Adds to Grim Economic Picture" is a very important article for everyone in the nation to read. It lets readers know what is going on with the economy and tells about the recession.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Obama won 10th

Barack Obama won the states of Wisonsin and Hawaii. These wins marked his tenth straight victory. At this point and time the democratic primary is getting down to what I would consider the nitty gritty. While on the opposite hand in my opinion I believe the Republican party already has its candidate. Many are beginning to say that Clinton needs to win both Texas and Ohio to still have hope. The candidates had a debate last night here in Austin. At the debate they did agree on many issues. Clinton, however, did accuse Obama of plagirism. Obama is winning the votes of a lot of the younger voters. When I first heard that a women was going to vote for the presidency, I figured I would just vote for her. The reason being I thought it would have been great to have a women in the white house. Now as time has past, I no longer agree with this. I am not looking down on anyone and their opions. But I do think Obama would make a great president. He seems like a humble and all around genuine man. I believe that he will fix the problems in our country and is not just talk. Many do not think Obama has the experience needed to be president. Yes he is young, but this does not mean he will not get the work done. He can do just a good of a job as the other candidates, regardless of his age. The oponents need to quit criticizing the others and just do what they have to do to earn delegates.

Having just returned from the Barack rally downtown everything I already believed was confirmed. Barack is an all around humble and genuine man. He has the support of people of all races and ages. He is out to set a change. I honestly believe if he is elected he will stay true to both his character and policy.

I feel this article should be read. It is important to all. It provides some of the latest information on the primary election.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Congress sends amended economic deal to Bush

As reported in the Austin American Statesman by the Washington Post, Congress approved a $168 billion stimulus plan Thursday night. I have not been following up with this story as much as I should, however I do find it important. This article is worth reading because it explains what is going on in the U.S. economy. Another reason the article is worth reading because it explains who shall be receiving a refund.

Beginning in May the stimulus will send checks to low- and middle- income Americans. Included in the receiptients of checks are senior citizens and disabled Veterans. Under this stimulus package singles will receive $600 and couples a maximum of $1200. An additional $300 will be added for any child under 17.

Not only will this package send out a check to individuals but it will provide incentives to businesses. They will be able to invest in new plants and equipment. Mortgage consolidators will be able to insurer larger home mortgages.

I believe this stimulus package will help the economy.