Friday, February 8, 2008

Congress sends amended economic deal to Bush

As reported in the Austin American Statesman by the Washington Post, Congress approved a $168 billion stimulus plan Thursday night. I have not been following up with this story as much as I should, however I do find it important. This article is worth reading because it explains what is going on in the U.S. economy. Another reason the article is worth reading because it explains who shall be receiving a refund.

Beginning in May the stimulus will send checks to low- and middle- income Americans. Included in the receiptients of checks are senior citizens and disabled Veterans. Under this stimulus package singles will receive $600 and couples a maximum of $1200. An additional $300 will be added for any child under 17.

Not only will this package send out a check to individuals but it will provide incentives to businesses. They will be able to invest in new plants and equipment. Mortgage consolidators will be able to insurer larger home mortgages.

I believe this stimulus package will help the economy.

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