Friday, February 22, 2008

Obama won 10th

Barack Obama won the states of Wisonsin and Hawaii. These wins marked his tenth straight victory. At this point and time the democratic primary is getting down to what I would consider the nitty gritty. While on the opposite hand in my opinion I believe the Republican party already has its candidate. Many are beginning to say that Clinton needs to win both Texas and Ohio to still have hope. The candidates had a debate last night here in Austin. At the debate they did agree on many issues. Clinton, however, did accuse Obama of plagirism. Obama is winning the votes of a lot of the younger voters. When I first heard that a women was going to vote for the presidency, I figured I would just vote for her. The reason being I thought it would have been great to have a women in the white house. Now as time has past, I no longer agree with this. I am not looking down on anyone and their opions. But I do think Obama would make a great president. He seems like a humble and all around genuine man. I believe that he will fix the problems in our country and is not just talk. Many do not think Obama has the experience needed to be president. Yes he is young, but this does not mean he will not get the work done. He can do just a good of a job as the other candidates, regardless of his age. The oponents need to quit criticizing the others and just do what they have to do to earn delegates.

Having just returned from the Barack rally downtown everything I already believed was confirmed. Barack is an all around humble and genuine man. He has the support of people of all races and ages. He is out to set a change. I honestly believe if he is elected he will stay true to both his character and policy.

I feel this article should be read. It is important to all. It provides some of the latest information on the primary election.

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